Domestic Assault Lawyer - Family and domestic violence can unfairly send innocent people to prison. You could get an extended sentence behind bars. You may also be fined heavily and may lose custody of your children. You may also lose the legal right to live in your home. An Allen family and domestic violence attorney from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help. We will defend your legal rights and fight for your freedom as well as your future.

In Allen TX, virtually any violent crime can become a domestic violence charge if you have ever dated or lived with the victim, or if there is a biological or legal relationship.

Domestic Assault Lawyer

Domestic Assault Lawyer

For these alleged crimes, you could face charges ranging from a Class C misdemeanor to a first degree felony.

What Is A Criminal Lawyers' Role?

It is important to understand the seriousness of the penalties you face, especially if you are considering entering a plea, answering questions or giving a statement to investigators.

In addition to fines and jail or prison time, you will have to pay court costs and fees. You may also face probation, community service, and court-ordered treatment or education. A conviction also gives you a permanent criminal record.

A domestic violence charge on your record may interfere with your ability to obtain employment, rent a house or apartment, or hold a business license. Worse, it could affect custody of your child. In some cases, the court can prevent you from living in your home.

Even the threat of damages may be enough to prosecute you. Prosecutors can file additional charges or increase the sentence you face if they allege any aggravating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances include:

Facing Domestic Assault Charges? Important Information To Protect Your Rights

Once the prosecutor has found a conviction, you will not be able to have your record sealed or expunged. For defense assistance call 214-696-9253.

In order to develop the most compelling legal defense on your behalf, our legal team will begin researching your case.

We focus on discovering the possible motives for the false accusation or other factors that could potentially lead to a wrongful conviction. Some of the most common legal defense strategies we can use include:

Domestic Assault Lawyer

We will also carefully evaluate the evidence to identify any violations of rights or mistakes made by the police. We will use any evidence we find as leverage to negotiate with the prosecutor. Our primary goal is always to reduce or eliminate your fees.

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A family and domestic violence attorney from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg will defend your legal rights and fight to prevent you from being convicted.

We use our network of resources to investigate your case and record our findings. A well-proven case gives us the best chance to establish reasonable doubt and help you clear the charges against you.

We will use any potential issues identified to negotiate with the prosecutor or file a lawsuit. We always try to get your charges dismissed or reduced and we will fight to help you avoid the expense and embarrassment of a court case.

The public perception of domestic and family violence charges can lead to violations that can wrongfully put you behind bars. Our legal team will fight to ensure that your legal rights are protected throughout the process.

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We understand how a conviction can deeply affect your life and we will fight to ensure the best possible outcome on your behalf.

Throughout the legal process, we will be there to answer your questions and make sure you understand your options. Our legal team will work tirelessly to mount a credible defense and ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Before making any decisions regarding your case, contact an Allen family and domestic violence attorney at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg.

Domestic Assault Lawyer

Criminal defense attorney Randall Isenberg has over 35 years of experience working for your case. As a former state court prosecutor and judge, he provides insight that helps us build the strongest possible case on your behalf.

Domestic Assault Charges

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Domestic violence is a serious issue. If you have been charged with domestic violence in Texas, you should take these charges very seriously. A conviction can result in harsher penalties including heavy fines or jail time. On top of that, it can affect your family, your reputation, and your job for years to come. For these and other reasons, it is important to speak with a domestic violence attorney right away.

If you are accused of domestic violence, here are 7 steps you can take to protect your freedom and dignity.

Before making any plans, talk to a defense attorney first. Your conversation with your attorney is "privileged." This means you can speak the truth and all your communications are confidential.

Dc Domestic Violence Lawyer

Your lawyer can take a look at the evidence in your case and guide you on the best way forward. You must remember that while your communication with your lawyer is privileged, the same is not the case with your family, friends or anyone else.

Do not seek advice from a family member or even a trusted friend. Later, the prosecutor may call them to testify against you.

If you are accused of domestic abuse or sexual assault, do not talk to the police or any law enforcement. You need to understand the seriousness of your situation and know that it can only create more problems in your case.

Domestic Assault Lawyer

Always make sure to have a lawyer present during the questioning. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to blurt things out and say the wrong thing.

Tampa Domestic Violence Lawyer

Collect and preserve any evidence in the form of cell phone messages, photos, credit card bills, social media posts, etc. Once someone erases or destroys this type of evidence, it is difficult to recover.

If someone posts on social media related to your case, take a screenshot of it and keep it with you as a proof. Keep all the evidence you collect in a folder or on a memory stick.

In some cases, the accused is the actual criminal. If you are in this situation, gather all the evidence that shows their disrespectful behavior, cheating or belligerent behavior.

In the hands of a skilled criminal defense attorney, this evidence can help demonstrate your accuser's lack of credibility and your innocence.

Domestic Violence Lawyers In Philadelphia

If someone has accused you of domestic violence, you should stop talking to them immediately. Talking can increase in a stressful situation.

Anything you say or do can lead to more evidence that your accuser can use against you. Any excuse may come back to haunt you later.

If a judge issues a no contact order against you, respect it. Even if your accuser tries to contact you, it is a bad idea to contact them in any way.

Domestic Assault Lawyer

Avoid posting anything on social media when you are facing serious domestic violence. Downplaying your accuser or complaining about your innocence online is a bad omen.

Skokie Domestic Violence Lawyer

Someone will save this information and it may appear that you are harassing your accuser. Whatever discredits you is bad for your case.

It's a good idea to stay off social media altogether and avoid hostile or retaliatory words or behavior. In other words, the less you say when it comes to your case or the accuser, the better.

Time and stress erase memories. Your case may be on the back burner for weeks or months before it goes to a judge.

This is why creating a timeline of events is important. While the events are still fresh in your mind, write down the dates, times, and details of everything you remember about your case.

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It should also include the names of any witnesses or potential witnesses. Write down everything that may be related to your case.

You may think that some things are irrelevant, but it is better to let your lawyer decide what is important in your particular case.

If the court finds you guilty of the charges against you, it is important to show that you understand you need help.

Domestic Assault Lawyer

Voluntarily signing up for counseling or drug and alcohol treatment is a positive step. This shows that you are taking steps to ensure that any misconduct on your part does not happen again.

Domestic Violence Attorney In California

Taking responsibility for your actions puts you in a more favorable light and can bring you better results.

If you are charged with domestic abuse in Texas, you may face serious consequences. Even if your accuser decides to drop the charges against you, the district attorney can still pursue the case.

A conviction can disrupt your life and affect your family, your job, and your reputation. You also risk serious fines and possible jail time.

If you are in this situation, it is important to consult with a domestic violence attorney as soon as possible. You shouldn't try to handle it alone.

Domestic Violence Lawyers

When you are accused of domestic abuse, there is no substitute for the legal expertise of a domestic violence attorney.

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